Please do not pay the charge if you are going to appeal, as payment is accepted as full and final settlement and once paid any appeals that are undergoing an appeal decision or any appeals received after payment, will not be considered
Please ensure you have provided all the following information to enable us to log or consider your appeal:
- Your Full Name
- Your Full Postal Address
- Your Parking Charge Number
- Your Vehicle Registration
- Any Supporting Evidence that you wish to include in your appeal
Provided that your appeal has been received within 28 days from the date of the Notice to Keeper/Notice to Driver/Notice to Hirer being sent, your appeal will be logged and placed on hold while it is investigated.
Please allow 28 days for a decision to be made, and if you do not hear from us with your full decision within 28 days from when you submitted your appeal, please contact us immediately.
Appeals received outside of the 28-day timescale and/or failure to supply all the requested details will result in the appeal not being considered, logged or responded to.
Where an appeal is submitted within the 14-day timeframe to pay at the reduced rate, and subsequently rejected, you will have a further 14 days to make payment at the reduced rate.
You will be taken to a new window.
Please ensure that your appeals submission is filled out correctly!
If your online appeals process is submitted correctly then you should receive an automated confirmation email.
If you do not receive a confirmation email then you may have entered your details incorrectly and we recommend that you enter it again, taking care to ensure that all details, including your email address are correct.
The decision about your appeal will be sent to you by email within 28 days, so please ensure that you can receive emails from appeals@parkingprotection.co.uk
You can also make an appeal via email or post
Email: appeals@parkingprotection.co.uk
The Appeals Team,
National Parking Enforcement Ltd,
PO Box 1532,
Telephone: NPE cannot deal with appeals by telephone.
How is your appeal considered?
Our Appeals Co-ordinators review appeals on a case-by-case basis
If your appeal is allowed, NPE will cancel the parking charge and no further action will be taken.
If your appeal is dismissed, NPE will write and inform you of the decision, and you will be allowed 14 days to make payment at the reduced rate.
Refusal letters will include information on how to appeal via the Independent Appeals Service (IAS), information on this service can be viewed here: http://theias.org
For free advice regarding your Parking Charge, including advice on appealing, please visit: www.274advice.co.uk