Shopping Centres & Retail Parks
Combining a protected parking system with security for your business
What is the perfect way to ensure your spaces are reserved for those who should be parking?
We have the ideal service, a service which is rapidly growing at shopping centres and retail parks. Quite simply, we watch!
Active CCTV monitoring and ANPR technology
We manage your shopping centre and retail parks in two ways: we actively monitor the parking area using live CCTV cameras and combine this with ANPR technology for overstaying vehicles.
By monitoring live CCTV, we can provide additional benefits such as:
- Protecting Disabled parking bays from misuse
- Protecting Parent and Child parking bays from misuse
- Protecting Electric Vehicle parking bays from misuse
- Ensuring drivers do not park in an obstructive manner
- Ensuring drivers do not park in 'no parking' areas
By monitoring your shopping centre and retail park using live CCTV, our licensed CCTV operators are able to track and trace driver and passenger movements as soon as the vehicle parks in your car park. Essentially, if a driver or passengers do not enter one of the on-site businesses we monitor their movements, and if they leave the vehicle in your car park, and walk off site, the vehicle is monitored.
We understand that patrons may park, visit a nearby business or cash machine for a short period and return as a customer and we take this in to account. This method has proven to be the most effective way of protecting and reducing complaints by genuine patrons and staff members. It's easy, user friendly and also provides a unique service which has been welcomed by all of our clients.
Supermarkets and shopping centre ANPR systems can now be linked to customer loyalty schemes too. For example, a supermarket can utilise ANPR in the car park to identify regular visitors and those visitors can be awarded points.
One straightforward solution
We have been successfully protecting Shopping Centres and Retail Parks across the UK for a decade. All of our clients want one straightforward solution, that is, for us to protect the parking areas from use by patrons.
Other providers have suggested mobile patrols of the parking areas. This is not suitable for these types of parking areas as the officer cannot be at multiple sites all of the time. Some providers have recommended ANPR cameras only. This solution however has its limitations, and that limitation is that it can only calculate the amount of time a driver has visited and perhaps overstayed. Essentially, anyone could park at a shopping centre or retail park, never use the on-site businesses and no-one would ever know.
Drivers using your shopping centre or retails car parks whilst not using the onsite businesses are costing your tenants money, as genuine users who cannot park will soon find another place to spend their money.
Not just a car park management company
We are not just a car park management company; we are also a security company who monitors areas to detect and reduce:
- Criminal activity in your car park
- Anti-social behaviour in your car park
- Fly tipping
By watching your shopping centres and retail car park live, we also protect you, your customers, staff and contractors.
All our footage is stored on our servers for around 3 weeks, meaning that should there be an incident, damage to your property or theft we will be able to provide the police and insurance companies this vital information. If we witness anything which we consider to be a threat to an individual or property whilst monitoring live we immediately report this to the agent, the individual on-site businesses and if necessary, to the police.
We know this system works. We know the advantages this system provides. We know this system provides security. We know this because we watch.